Thursday, January 17, 2013

January Song

The air was crisp that day
The kind that bites
Your lungs and skin
Like a sweet rose's thorns
The kind that cleans
Your heart and spirit
Like a new wave's spray
Refreshing like new beginnings
I was tired of last year
Tired of old tears
And ready for new
Ordained thirteen
Lucky or cursed
It feels blessed
It feels mechanically organic
It feels fresh
Fresh in the baptism of hymnals
Sweet like cherries off the tree
Fresh in the communion of change
Sweet like the kindness in patience
Fresh in the confirmation of connection
Sweet like the new smell of January

9:13am January 17, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I'm supposed to be studying Romanticism for my English class, and I'm defiantly struggling to focus. It's been a great day and it feels so anticlimactic to end it staring at my Literature Book as if it was the best thing to read- ever. My life is consistently a game of balance- fun and adventure with work and responsibility. Today I turned in a scholarship application, I had an amazing time down town with my host sister and some friends, and I saw this is 40. It's weird thinking of how my life will be in that graceful time of denial, the disappointments of failed visions, and the finding of yourself for the umpteenth time. I think that's all I have to say. I'm grateful for my host sister, both of my families and all of my friends (adopted families) that mean so much to me. Peace!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dreaming and Driving

Deep breaths
My hands hit the wheel
And I think of you
Too good to be true
And I flew
Like time
And you weren't on my radar
Life flashing before
And into my future
I'm seeing myself brake
At a green light.
Stop stoping
Let yourself accelerate towards
A good thing
It awaits
If its fate fall
Trust fall
Fall in love if you dare
If its right
If you can take your foot off the brake
I awake
Never been on a public road
Never felt the revving accelerator
Beneath my feet
The rite of passage flew by
I was busy doing something
Doing nothing
Not considering you
Or driving
Only flying
Only future
Never accelerate for the present
Tomorrow I'm insured
Tomorrow I grip the wheel
Green light
Come here
Take the keys
Lets accelerate
Lets go

Gillian Wenzel
11:34pm 01/06/2012

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Masterwork (Silk and Cashmere)

Sometimes days like this come into our lives. It's like the stars and the saints and the ancestors bind together to form an eloquent happiness. Something bold and humble alike. Maybe it's the joy of letting go and knowing that you've set yourself up for success, maybe it's the attitude of forward thought and motion, or maybe it's just confidence. But today, today everything felt like cashmere or silk. The the heart-steal cut oats soothed my energy in a brown sugared cradle of breakfast in the kitchen with my family. The pool's water glided off my skin in a quick and effervescent dance. I put on my new clothes, dressed in the costume in the role as: Gillian Z. R. Wenzel- believer of one's own future propulsion. As the peplum cut fell over my body's angles and curves I took a deep breath. Release, ready, hope-driven. My red silk herbal tea was a hug to the nervousness. And it dissipated in the kind synergy that is a possible future home. I listened, I said my soul and I felt so vibrantly woolen. as a lamb's coat is a representation of its past present and future selves I presented my lambs finest cashmere and when out for dinner in celebration I chose the lamb too. Food for thought today; everything for faith today. It's all out of my hands, and I put the best me forward. Proud.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Finding my PENN...In Response to Christmas's Email

Blessed is opportunity
adorned in text
the font ordinary
the meaning extraordinary
heart-strings coiled springs
and email with a question
a christmas gift
a blessed pre-order
of my face and my piece
as a place in the dreamed one
blessed is my preemptive jump
an interview
jump for joy
its an opportunity
an interview
a blossom
of coming fruits

Gillian Z.R. Wenzel
10:59pm 12/25/2012